For Your Sake

Have you ever ridden a roller coaster before? Most of us have already experience the ride of a lifetime, yet surprisingly some insistently avoid such adventure and danger. I can’t blame them, one always needs to be careful especially when it comes to amusement parks. Regardless of the fear or the excitement, the sensation of a first ride would always be memorable.

Imagine the strong gush of wind flowing into your hair, the heavy breathing and the quickening pace of your heart, the endless shouts and chatters of your ridemates, the rustling sound of moving steel and chains, and of course, one cannot forget the powerful view that would make anyone feel as if he’s the king of the world. When the times comes that you are in the peak of the ride, everything comes down in a quick “swoosh”, quick and crazy. Like everything that surrounds you is an impact. Powerful and strong. You are unable to close your eyes, because you want to see it all, the impact and the thrill.

Our life is like a roller coaster ride, full of impact, full of ups and downs. At some point, we feel like we are standing on the top, the winners, and the champions. We hold everything as if we own it, even the future. We don’t care, except ourselves. We live at our own pleasure. We live for the thrill and for the impact. But when the moment comes that everything goes down in a great “swoosh”. We lose ourselves. We forget who we are and the most important existence in our lives, Him.

Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. There should be an “up” but for others, they couldn’t overcome the “down”. What do you do in these moments? We naturally look for comfort. People tend to look for a quicker route to escape their agony and problems. Desperately, we search for other people or things just to ease the pain. Yet it doesn’t go away, sometimes it makes the matter worse. To tell the truth, people will fail us sooner or later. Even our family, friends, all the people we put our love and trust. That is the inevitable. That is a fact.

But let me tell you another certain thing, the one I put most of my confidence in, Jesus would never fail you. He would always be there for you. Even in the days you are in the darkest. He is not indifferent in our sufferings. He sees it all. You would surely ask me, why doesn’t He do anything? Why doesn’t He remove the pain and uncertainties? Because we need to struggle. We need to become stronger than we were before. Problems exist for two reasons. First, it is our stepping stones to make us a better person than we were before. Second, it helps us recognize who we are.

It is true that humans are imperfect beings. Unlike God who has an impeccable existence, no error or such. Yet He called us His children. We are not perfect but we should strive to be like Jesus for all the days of our life. Even if it’s difficult to be like Him, even if it’s painful to be like Him. Our bodies surely won’t have a forever, but our souls needs an eternity with our Savior. That is why, remember who you truly are. You are son/daughter of God.

You may think that I speak a lot of beautiful words, when the world is not. The world tells us what to do, what to think, what is beneficial, what is right, what is real. You become confuse, unable to move. You try to please everybody. In the end, you become restricted by their words and could not make a choice. I will tell you couple of truths. The world has its side of awfulness and a side of beauty. And you cannot please everyone. You cannot make everyone happy and satisfied. Whatever choices you will make, there would always be disappointment. It could be your friends, your work, your neighbor, your family. It could be everyone you love and cherish.

You are only one person. You can only please one existence constantly. Then why don’t you choose Him? The One who has loved you unconditionally. The One who traded His life for you. The One who knows you the best. The One who saved you. Jesus. With conviction, you would never regret this choice.

Remember, no matter how many rides you take in a roller coaster. No matter how much up and down you experience. You are not the sum of your mistakes, but the multiplication of the choices you make.






Rosette Artemis

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